Friday, December 31, 2010

On Festivities, and When They Must (unfortunately) Come to an End

So...I have a problem. It hasn't been a universal problem lately, but it used to be a huge deal. Basically, I would always be the last one ready for more, the last one to go to bed, the last one to call it quits. Now, this is still a problem on occasion in my life, but overall, I think things might be evening out lately. It used to be a huge thing though. Me and a group of friends would spend an evening drinking, and I'd always be the last one up and about, ready for more even though no one else was. The same thing goes for games. I tend to be the only one that is still ready to play when everyone else is sick of the game to the point that they want to tear their eyes out of their sockets, boil them in a stew (impressive with no eyes), and then gulp that stew down to never have to play said game again.

Shit went that way tonight.

I really wanted to have a festive and rockin' New Year's time. And I'm not saying that it wasn't great. I'm just saying it could have been better. I will "upfrontally" apologize to those that did attend New Year's with me. We had a rockin' time. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm glad that you guys could make it, especially one person that I really need to reconnect with because you get me and I like to think I get you, but maybe not, and maybe that has changed in the time of our "distance-ness." All I know, is that I want us to still be friends, but on a higher caliber than what we are friends now. Because we used to be soo much closer. Or maybe just spent more time together. Or something...Either way, shit has changed and I hate that (even though I may be the only cause for that, which can't be entirely true because neither of us get in touch with the other, so maybe it's a 70/30% type of thing. Or even less).

Anyways, I hate being the last one ready for the party to end. And I use party very loosely. Party in this context can be anything. Anything that ends and that I am the only one ready for it not to end; i am the one that has to accept the end and just sort of suck it up and deal with it.

We played a card game tonight. Maybe you have heard of it. The name is Mao. I think that's the correct spelling. Maybe not. Not the point. We played this game. And we were having fun. Or at least I was. Which was surprising. I tend to be a super competitive person. The weird thing being that I try to avoid competition and will speak out against competition (I used to tell people I wasn't in sports and such because they were so competitive), which makes sense because I hate losing. As I'm sure most of us do. So, I decry competition in order to avoid feeling the frustration of losing.

I played soccer in my younger years. I don't remember much of it. But I can tell you that I was really upset when we lost (as I'm sure most people are, although maybe more so, to an unhealthy place). That's really the only sport that I played other than T-ball.

Back to Mao. We played. We got through like...three or four games. One person won them all. Now, normally this would piss me off, but tonight it didn't because I really enjoy this game and I'm pretty sure I just didn't care. I was having a good time. I was celebrating New Year's Eve. It just didn't matter as much. Part of that could arise from the fact that I never really do well in this game unless, of course, I've played recently and now the base rules. If you don't know the base rules of this game, you are pretty much f-ed. And that's kind of the way this went. No one else won except the one who knew the rules. Which is the way it goes. Maybe that's the reason that I didn't mind losing. I just kind of let my competitive spirit go. Anyways, I wasn't ready to be done, but one (expressive) person was done. I don't know about the other two. So we moved on.

And now, it is 1:33 on New Year's...Day, I suppose, and everyone has left that doesn't sleep here and those that do are slowly trailing off to bed. Maybe I'm just weird, but I thought New Year's was one of those crazy all night details. Like, if you go to the bar, you are out til last call. And here in Omaha/Lincoln, that's 2. And no one has made it. My dad and grandpa are awake, but I'm pretty sure they will be off to bed shortly and I will be left alone. As for me, I'm wide awake. Maybe it's cause I slept til 1 and I have only been up for a little more than 12 hours. Maybe not. Either way, I am going to be up alone. I'm going to be ready to party hardy, but no one else will be around.

I bought a 750ml bottle of Bacardi rum tonight and there is still some left. I'm sipping a beer that I also bought. FOR SHAME! That bottle should be gone. Or at least still be being worked on and on its way to being gone. Because I bought the beer to end the night. And here I am drinking one. Because the night is drawing to an end even though I am more than ready to keep trucking.

Maybe I need a new crowd. Maybe I need to learn when to quit. But f that because I'm not even really drunk. Well...I think if I had a breathalyzer I'd be at or above the legal limit (not by much), so that isn't an entirely accurate statement, but regardless. WTF!?!? Why is everyone ready to quit the minute the clock strikes midnight? You know it didn't strike midnight yet in San Fransisco, right?

So yeah. It sucks being the last one ready to go.

I guess someone has to be it, though.

If I ever find someone that can keep pace with me and be rocked out at the same time I can, I'm going to marry them.

But not if they are a girl. Then, they may just have to hold a very special place in my life.

Either way, I haven't found that person yet. But when I do, I won't have a reason to make a post like this because I'll still have someone by my side ready to greet the night (or dawn...if the time is right) and we will still be having a blast while you are being lame alone, sleeping in your beds. :P

So, I guess all I have to say is...F U!!!!! Unless you are still up and about and we just can't party together due to locational differences. (BTW, I'm surprised that locational is a word...)

And as for my slice of life to share with you, I would like to present the game that I have spent over 20 hours on in the last two or three days (because I just can't seem to put it down). And the game that I will probably end up on here very shortly if I don't just decide to watch movies on my own because dad and grandpa are watching some black and white crap on the TV and I have no interest.

Slice of Life:

Assassin's Creed 2!!!

If you have played the first one and enjoyed it, but haven't been sure if you want to continue the series...DO IT!!! The sequel is, I must say, way better than the first!!!

It seems as though Ubisoft, et al. has decided to include so much more to enhance the environment and immersion into the game. Not to mention that fact that they have flawlessly connected the two titles, so that there is no lag time in between.

The sequel picks up exactly after the end of AC1 assuming you found the secret markings on the wall of your bedroom after the credits have rolled.

You move onto the Animus 2.0 and into the memory of a more direct ancestor, Ezio Auditore, a member of Italian society in the 15th century (I think centuries are plus one to the years i.e. 14xx=15th century). The premise becomes you (present self: Desmond Miles) are trying to quick learn the skills of the assassin, so you learn along with your ancestor.

So far, as I said, I'm 20 hrs in and I feel I still have so much to do. Part of that arises because I am working to complete everything and cannot be said to be following the story in the most expedient fashion, but even if you complete all the sidequests (assuming you aren't a total n00b and are dieing left and right) you don't seem to have time to lose the main story line.

Just as in AC1, AC2 is a story of betrayal, only betrayal is a more prevalent feeling because, unlike AC1, in AC2 the betrayal happens (if not diverging) within the first hour or so. And what is more motivating than the murder of your father, brother, and 9 (ish?) year old brother by a supposed family friend/judge man? The very man that you have delivered the evidence to acquit your family to moments before? Happily(?), you get to kill this traitor shortly after.

Anyways, I don't want to give away too much in case you decide to check out the title. I realize that it's a bit older, having been out since 2009 (two-ish years ago now...2011...geez) and that its sequel AC: Brotherhood has recently been released (OMG! I saw ads for AC3 in France. Badass :) ), but if you didn't know if you wanted to follow the series or haven't looked into the series yet, I would recommend it. Neither game is very difficult if you are any good at video games, and playing through AC1 to get to AC2 is definitely worth it.

After all, you don't want to be in the dark and out of the loop, do you? (No one likes that.)

Until next time, Arrivederci, ciao ciao, that sort of thing! :P (Has something to do with Jumping Jack Flash (the movie)...might make an appearance as a slice of life later. Stay tuned! :) )

P.S. Readers- If you are a Lady Gaga fan (which I hope you are), I find that this song really remedies what ails me at this point in the evening. Really gives that "FUCK OFF!" vibe for me. :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

When Life Hands You Shit, Make Shit Salad

Despite the overly depressing sound of the title, I'm actually in a fairly good mood this morning despite being awake before noon. Ever since the pressure of going to class was lifted off my shoulders Dec. 13th, I don't think I have been up this early. In those early days, I was staying up until 5/6am in the morning and sleeping until I woke up because I didn't even have work to worry about (finals in the evening rock!). After I was done with finals, I started waking up about 1:30 only because I needed to work.

It is interesting that this is coming up because my good friend posted on her blog today about not being a morning person. It's not entirely surprising as we consider ourselves to be the same person. In fact, for those who don't know, we seem to share a telepathic bond voiced by Samuel L. Jackson. Now don't be weirded out and don't think we are crazy. This theory has arisen after countless instances of finishing each others sentences when together. Not only that, but also we tend to have the same thoughts at the same time as shown by the fact that one will text the other only to have the response "I was just going to say that!" or if it is the first text of the day (surprisingly we aren't in constant communication although, like the other day, we are sometimes found using multiple forms of contact at the same time) "I was just thinking that!" So, we decided that there must be something to it all. The Sam part I might be willing to negotiate (especially if he hears about this and threatens to hardcore my ass if I don't), but I'm content to let things be the way they are.

Anyways, back to the point, mornings suck. Except I can't entirely stand behind that. Let me qualify. Morning sucks when you don't sleep enough or wake up to particularly bad tidings or in a particularly unpleasant way. For example: Falling asleep at 6am and waking up at 8am for class (usually, I just say f that); Waking up to realize that you had overslept for an exam (just fake a death, it's been known to work); A roommate playing loud music (I tend to not be effected since I sleep like a rock); Or my least favorite, waking up to someone using one of those ridiculously stupid cliches. "Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!" and various other ones (I'm hitting a mental block right now, no doubt from the trauma inflicted from being attacked in the mornings) that I can't remember because I have made it known that I hate them.

It is much more pleasant to sleep until your body is satisfied and roll out of bed of your own accord, in a leisurely manner. I enjoy being able to take my time in the morning. In other words, if I want to stay in my pajamas for three hours, I can. Hell, if I want to be in my pajamas all day, I'll do what I want!

Anyways, this post is slowly losing it's purpose, so I will finish off with my piece of life that I have chosen to share with you. It is an episode of one of the greatest cartoons ever, Jackie Chan Adventures. Now, if you have never seen it, seasons 1-3 are on Youtube for easy access and so far I've been able to find all the season 4 episodes I have looked for.

This particular episode is the season finale of season 3, and the episode is titled "Attack of the J-clones." Just watch it. Hilarity will ensue. Just sayin... :)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Wishing I Had Control In Dreams That I Realize I'm Dreaming In

I thought that I'd open today with a little bit of hilarity that I found in my profile pictures on Facebook. :)

I watched Inception with a friend tonight (great movie, check it out if you haven't already (are you living under a rock?)).

I've spent many a night in fantastical worlds of my own creation and the one skill I would really like to master is lucid dreaming. Which apparently is an incorrect statement according to Wikipedia, which says that lucid dreaming is simply having awareness that one is dreaming. Which I do. All the time! What I really want is the ability to have some sort of control in my dreams.

I'm the type of person to really really really wish that magic and all that jazz was real. It'd be the coolest. I'm convinced that I, of course, would be an awesome mage and that life would just be more exciting if there was this added aspect. So naturally, being able to do these things in my dreams would be nice since any magic that might have ever existed in our world has died ou...disappeared (don't want to say die; could still be out there :/). However, I've never been able to do anything extraordinary. Any time I try to do anything consciously, pesky sleep paralysis seems to kick in. Now that I'm really thinking about this, it makes perfect sense. After all, magic is supposed to be controlled by force of will; you have to be determined enough to manipulate matter or whatever (matter manipulation would seem to only fall under conjuration and I have no idea what kind of magics might really be possible). Anyways, I'd say that anytime I try to control a dream, I am usually playing along with the situation; I guess you could say more of an active observer. Therefore, rather than launching a zombie away with telekinesis or something, I try to run or do something superhuman. In other words, I try to control entirely physical actions. Usually when I try these things, my movements are sluggish or nonexistent and it's like I'm fighting against some trapping field around my body. Sleep paralysis. So I guess the next time I'm lucid dreaming, I best being working out my mind rather than my body and see what happens...

On the subject of dreams and zombies, I'll let you in on a lucid dream I had once. I lived in a house called Strawberry Fields my sophomore year of college and that is where this particular dream took place. There were others holed up in the house with me and we were basically scavenging the surrounding area and just trying to survive. I'm not sure who the others were beyond the fact that I knew that I knew them. Anyways, one day a zombie gets through our defenses and gets in the house (THANK GOD IT WASN'T THE MOAN AND ATTRACT OTHERS TYPE OF ZOMBIE!!! or maybe it was and I woke up before I could find out...) and I am left to deal with the problem. No gun handy? Weak sauce. So instead, I think "I know! Punch it!" Only the worst possible thing happened. The damn zombie caught my hand right in it's teeth! (So never aim a punch at a zombie directly at it's mouth. Suckers can catch!) Of course, this is when others show up and we are able to get rid of the bastard, but now I'm gonna turn. And I wake up when I (or someone else, can't remember) have to take myself out for the good of the gang. (Would totally do it. Actually, probably would have done it back when the zombies showed up. Took a quiz once that said I had like 2% chance of survival. Done.)

Finally, since we are sharing life with each other, (across time too, if you think about it; kind of neat) I want to share something a little more concrete from my day to day. And today is...

SMART ASS!!! I was first introduced to this game by the neighbors across from my parents' house. It's actually pretty fun and a very quick game to learn. There are three main card types: Where am I?, Who am I?, and What am I?. There is also a bonus card type called Hard Ass. On each of the main cards there are 10 clues. The reader gives the clues one at a time until one of the other players correctly identifies the person, place, or thing being described. Catch is, you only get one chance to answer. Whoever gets the answer correct, or if no one answers correctly then the reader, gets to roll the die and move. The Hard Ass cards have bonus questions for those lucky enough to land on a Hard Ass space. There are a few speed bumps along the way, but that's pretty much the gist of it. You play until one player reaches the Ass's ass and wins. So if you can get the chance to play, don't hesitate. Each game moves fairly quickly and it's worthwhile. And educational too if you care about that sort of thing.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Short, but "Welcome to all!" Introduction

I realize that there is no one yet to read this, nor may ever be (although I am sure that I know of at least two or three people that will keep an eye tilted in this direction), but I would like to begin by saying hello and good day to...well, I guess the world in general for now.

I'm not really sure what I'm hoping to find with this foray into the world of blogging, but I enjoyed using my LJ in high school, and perhaps it will be nice to have somewhere to express my thoughts. If nothing else, it shall help to kill some time every once in a while. After all, my internet time wasting agenda has been diminished lately since I have quit playing Mafia Wars on Facebook. That game is absolutely ridiculous. And not really a "game" if you think about it.

But anyways, I just wanted to say welcome and I hope that you enjoy what's to come, although I can't really tell you what to be prepared for because there are so many thoughts in my brain and most of them are those "WTF were you thinking about?" type of thoughts.

Until next time, I bid you welcome and hope you will continue to share a little bit of life with me. Ultimately, I think that is what this is all about.

Oh, and Happy Holidays.